Thursday, December 01, 2011

I Don't Like The Articles, Either

A Brit questions the American obsession with single women.

Clearly, Vows is no more representative of New York – let alone America – as a whole than Bridget Jones's daily life was of Britain, but it does reflect an attitude that plays into the fascination the American media has in single women. Such is the popularity of investigations into the enthralling mystery of single women that these articles are pretty much their own genre of journalism in America, characterised by gloomy warnings about the dangers of feminism, cod anthropological claims, regrets about leaving a nice man because the writer wanted an unspecified "more", self-flagellation dressed up as "honesty" about feminism and they are always – always – written by a woman.

Yeah, I fail to see how this stuff isn't just a choice of a couple of gals and a bunch of their friends living in fabulous NYC, as opposed to some sort of significant statistical or cultural thing.

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