Friday, December 16, 2011

No Big Surprise

Article: Facebook is Making Us Miserable.

Here is his conclusion:

So, what should we do to avoid these three traps? Recognizing that "quitting" Facebook altogether is unrealistic, we can still take measures to alter our usage patterns and strengthen our real-world relationships. Some useful tactics I've seen include blocking out designated time for Facebook, rather than visiting intermittently throughout the day; selectively trimming Facebook friends lists to avoid undesirable ex-partners and gossipy coworkers; and investing more time in building off-line relationships.

Wait, wait, whaaa? Why is quitting facebook in quotes and unrealistic? He acts like it is living on the streets or not drinking alcohol. I'm still not on facebook and despite all the people who said it would cause me to fall behind, become a dinosaur, and not be in contact with anyone, somehow I've managed to find a job I really like and still maintain a pretty good social life. In other words, I'm doing very good without it.

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