Friday, December 23, 2011


TV: Hung Season 3, Ep. 2-8

Yes, I gorged on six episodes of Hung last night. Figured since the show went off the air, I was 2/3 through and might as well finish it off. Interesting, how the cancellation of the show actually prompted me to watch (and the fact that my parents don't have Showtime and I can't gorge on Homeland). The thing that I can say about Hung is essentially a back handed insult - that it is good because the episodes are 25 minutes. They require very little investment of my attention or time. And for that investment, there is some fun payoff, a few good lines here and there, some good sex scenes. I'll give the show credit for exploring the range of female sexuality and at least poses interesting scenarios in that department. But it falls short of being great. Great stuff is inspiring and Hung is much closer to soft core porn than inspiring drama. Charlie sums it up best, "Ray, you just a stubborn middle aged ho who don't do dudes."

1 comment:

PWD said...

And the Kyla high school reunion episode has a surprisingly strong emotional moment:
"When you're young you get all hung up on what others think of you, that's the nice thing about getting older, you say 'fuck that,' it's what you think of yourself."