Thursday, May 27, 2010

If You Thought Iraq Was Pointless

I've been trying to ignore this North-South Korea whisperings of war, because jesus, can you think of anything more pointless? Just a totally destructive and pointless re-engagement of hostilities. Yes, fine, I'm talking from an American perspective, but let's be honest -- North Korea is a stalker state and provoking war to get attention. There's no logic here. No strategy. Unless they get flattered properly, in their own deranged mind, they are willing to completely self destruct and try to take their neighbors and fellow Koreans with them. Yes, this is indeed like a psycho-father who decides to commit a murder-suicide of his own family. How can you stop such a person? Especially a person with nukes. You can't.

It sucks. I've been to Seoul and it is one of my favorite cities on the planet. It puts to shame the nightlife in most every American city. No joke. The neon lights make it seem like daytime 24 hours a day. The streets bustle. It is alive 24 hrs a day. People compare it to Manhattan. Manhattan? Forget Manhattan. Manhattan has a Starbucks, McDonalds, and CVS on every corner. Manhattan is a crowded suburb where you can't drive with more expensive restaurants. Seoul teams with smells of street food and noises of batting cages and computer rooms where people play RPG games all night long and drunken Koreans stumbling out of booking bars. And they live with a crazy man next door pointing a gun to their head. Bummer.

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