Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bruce Lee Strength

This is the type of work out shit I'm into.

I hate the gym like I hate Kobe Bryant - irrationally. But I suspect there is something rational and scientific about this emotional distrust...working out at the gym is designed to give people hot looking bodies, but not functional strength. The idea of body weight strength training and total fitness is a much more pragmatic and useful (and hot, if you ask me) way to be in shape.

I know this because when I perform exercise at a high level - in a soccer game or skiing or basketball, or biking, etc, I get sore in all sorts of weird, inexplicable places. Even if I'm in tip top running shape - I'm totally sore and wiped after a long day of skiing. Because exercise like that tests all sorts of muscles you forget you have. So I'm all in favor of doing a mixture of fun exercise that stresses different muscles and skills. Except for metrosexual bs like yoga. Or weirdo mental stuff like karate. But to each our own...

1 comment:

robyn said...

It's true there is no training for skiing except skiing itself. And gym monkeys are gross and seem kind of useless, yes. Lately I'm having more fun making up my own stuff then just doing the weight circuit because machines are only really working your major muscle groups.

However, everything you say here makes me think you would actually really like yoga, especially the more active kind like ashtanga.