Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mad Men and other TV Thoughts

Finished the first season. Good, not great. Definitely not the same experience as watching The Wire or Sopranos on DVD when I would stay up until all hours of the night obsessively saying to myself "just one more episode." Love the opening credit sequence. I think the female characters in the show are pretty incredible creating a nice contrast to the misogyny of the characters within the show. They do a good job of making morally balanced human beings - in the way Sopranos and The Wire do - but the overall plotting and action of the show is much less sophisticated than either of the aforementioned. In watching, I can't believe I'd never noticed/seen John Hamm or Christina Hendricks before.

I can barely watch Friday Night Lights season 2. I mean - are you kidding me with this Lawry stuff. Jesus Christ. Trying to turn himself in. After all that? And also - how many times is Tara allowed to cry in a season? The show makes me want to puke half the time.

And lastly, I was thinking about Cheers last night. I don't know why. But is the premise that these guys all go to the bar EVERY DAY after work? Seriously - every day. How is that even possible? Don't other things come up sometimes? Or was the premise that this was a Thursday or Friday night when all the folks gathered at the bar and we just got a weekly glimpse?

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