Thursday, January 15, 2009

Appropriate Herzog

I was looking for an old article in my office yesterday and came across a worn down photocopy of the New Yorker piece on Werner Herzog mysteriously lying in the file. Why was this article copied? And why was it stuck in a file of other articles by a totally different author? Confounding. But the article beckoned and I re-read it.

I would love to ski with Herzog. Or go on a long walk. I am sure I could keep up with him on the slopes. I doubt I could keep up on a walk.

There are so many awesome parts to the article - when he threatens to murder a Greek officer if they shut down his movie, when he threatens to murder Kinski when he walks off the set of Fitzcaraldo, when a crew member offers to murder Kinski on behalf of Herzog on Cobra Verde...

...but my favorite part isn't about murder at all, it is this quote, "I think that psychoanalysis is one of the great evils of civilization, even worse than the Spanish Inquisition. At least the Inquisition was about keeping something together. Analysis is only about taking a person apart. I would rather die than see an analyst."

I believe him.

Update: This would offend Werner, I'm sure, but here is a link to the article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you email me the article?