Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay, I almost blew it this week. I put off my mile run on MLK day - it was a holiday and I played soccer on Sunday. Tuesday was a world historical occasion, so I needed to go out and party. Wednesday I was too lazy. But goddammit, last night, I did my weekly mile run. And I got the exact same time as last week. Which I'm okay with, since last week was such a good run. Unlike last week, I didn't almost collapse and die after this run - a decent sign. But then again, no improvement.

I'm going to try and keep up the weekly mile run through the spring. But I will need to be flexible. I doubt I will be able to run on Monday if I play soccer games on Sunday. So it'll be Tues/Wed/or Thurs.

I am not running strong. I run hard the first lap, but am feeling weak in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th laps. I know I can improve by pushing in the 4th lap in the short run...hopefully enough to reach my goal of beating 5:40 by the spring. If I really get nasty, I might be able to swing 5:30 by the summer. That'll take losing a few pounds and probably doing a hard run twice a week and not getting injured at all.

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