Monday, June 09, 2008

Watched Charlie Rose - George Will conversation. Man, it's cool to listen to these two guys speak. Will said a lot of interesting things, but the one that stuck out was his comment on the American nation - he said we are a remarkably healthy country, with an amazing ability to adjust and tinker with the status quo whether it be the economy, foreign policy, or any host of government or non-government bodies. But at the same time we are a hypochondriac country, always perceiving ourselves to be ill or near the end or about to collapse into the abyss.

The examples he gives: everyone thinks we're in recession, except that by definition, we're not. Our economy grew a small amount last quarter and by definition, a recession is when the GDP falls two quarters in a row. Yet, we're all in a huff about recession. It makes no sense.

Unemployment hits 5%, which is still under the post war average of 5.7%, and yet everyone is worried about unemployment.

Charlie Rose talked about all the books about America - comparing it to Rome - worrying about the rise of China and India and Rose laughs it off. 30 years ago they were all saying the same thing about Japan and Germany. There is some sort of weird impulse for enjoying doomsday predictions and the public for whatever reason, buys into it.

He also says interesting, albeit small amounts of information about Iraq, Iran, and the folly of nation-building. Well worth the watch.

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