Thursday, June 05, 2008

Kobe Hatin'

It's gonna be hard to watch the Finals in public because I'm in FULL ON KOBE HATIN' mode. I'd buy a Kobe Hatin' teeshirt, if they sold them. Bill Simmons reminds in his column today how much this guy sucks as a person.

Remember: this is a guy who threw most of his teammates under the bus when he got a chance, a guy Phil Jackson quit the Lakers over and openly lambasted in his book, a guy who raped a women...RAPED! Do we forget that? He bought her off...but is there any doubt that the guy raped her?

Kobe is everything that sucks about modern society and the proof is in the fact that I'm actually rooting for a team from BOSTON! I HATE BOSTON and all their sports fans. and yet I'm going to root for them because Kobe disgusts me. This is like the Iran-Iraq war and we're stuck rooting for Saddam Hussein...except instead of being weakass countries w/ shitty weapons...actually this is more like the Eastern Front of WWII, with the Soviets facing off against the Nazis and we're rooting for Ruskies.

I am looking forward to the games, although the goddamn timeouts at the end of the game makes them almost unwatchable. I know this is anti-American, but the NBA needs to take a cue from soccer matches - they reward you for paying attention to details and if you miss it, you miss it. Too bad, shoulda been paying attention. The NBA is borrowing the ugly from soccer - the flop - they may as well borrow the good: limited substitutions and no timeouts (or more reasonably - much fewer timeouts). If you can't get an inbound, you shouldn't be allowed to call a timeout. Wouldn't that make the end of the game a lot more exciting?

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