Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can't Have Both Ways

Anti-war folks cited losing as a reason to leave Iraq from 2004-2006. Now that security gains are being made and the 10th (out of 18) province has been handed over to Iraqi security forces, does the anti-war crowd still think leaving is a good idea?

I suppose you could reverse argue pro-war people think we should add troops when we're losing and keep troops when we're winning. But then again, I don't think that's entirely true. I want troops home and can imagine in the next five years getting down to a level of forces similar to Germany, Japan, or Korea in Iraq.

And as a show of good faith, economics, and to show the world we're not interested in an Empire, it might be a good idea to move see some of the troops from Germany and Japan to Iraq - do we really need them there anymore?

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