Thursday, September 13, 2007


I liked, didn't love 3:10 to Yuma. It's a great story and there's some fine acting. I particularly liked the homoerotic Charlie Prince performance. Kudos to Luke Wilson for doing a bit part. Vinessa Shaw, I tip my hat. Russell Crowe had a lot of fun playing Ben Wade. Who wouldn't? What an awesome character. Mangold...hmmm...a few bits were awesome directing - getting into Christian Bale and Ben Wade in the room together, by themselves at the end - very good. The hardcore action at the end was very crisp and substantially different from the action up until the big moment.

But there were a lot of little screwed up details. The horse at the end - come on, gimme a break. And the original movie seemed to have a better sense of humor. Anyhow, a good popcorn flick/morality tale.

1 comment:

Melissa Ellis said...

i love love loved all the exceptional detail to the guns they used. from charlie princess emptying his revolver shells to cocking the shotguns, really great stuff to see in a movie.