Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More Troops

Hey, if smarter people than me think it'll work, let's frigging try it. I'm still down to win this thing in Iraq.


Anonymous said...

Define "win". The only rationale for staying in Iraq seem to be that as long as we hang around, we don't lose. But no one seems to have a plan to actually win, as in leave a solid, functioning state intact that can defend itself.

If you do want to send more troops, how long are you willing to do so? Seriously, five more years? Ten years? Seems we are talking occupation here, and all the lovely jihadist recruting fodder that provides.

Greg said...

well this guy is pointing to the fact that more troops in bagdad quelled the violence.

and i'd argue that quelling violence is a good thing.

if more troops and 5 years had a reasonable chance of helping iraq get on it's feet, i'd say go for it. i'm not really in a position to know that, i can venture a guess by listening to "experts."

if a movie script will make a good flick or if a small film crew will work well together, those i can make pretty good predictions.

ps - weren't you arguing for more troops before? i'm confused.

also - where is your blog?

Anonymous said...

I'm writing a new blog out in the middle of nowhere. A couple friend got hurt by a joke I made on my blog, plus I'm teaching again and other teachers conceiveable knew the old blog address. I'd give you the new address, but I'm warning you, my blog is now more like a diary now. I'm sick of politics and the war these days. (See comment on other post.)