Friday, September 30, 2005

At The Risk of Being Accused of Being Racist

It's become a custom, fallback joke amongst a group of my friends to accuse one another of racism for any comment that has anything to do with race. I find it funny.

The accusations towards Mr. Bennett's comments seem to fall within that category.

I don't think this guy should apologize for making his statement, which was a way of saying the ends don't justify the means. Isn't that something any rational person would agree with?

Here is the text of his statement:

"If you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossibly ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down."

How is this hurtful? Isn't this just making a fairly obvious point, that driving the crime rate down without concern for surrounding factors is stupid and ridiculous. Why are people going crazy over this? Can we not talk about race in this country without every douche-bag trying to claim the polically correct high ground. Do I need to be protected from hearing such things because it's too crass? What type of country do we live in? Do we want to live in a country where people can't talk candidly because we fear hurting people's feelings?

In the words of Mr. Hayden Church from Sideways, "I say fuck that shit too. What you need is to get your joint worked on."

On a related note, as much as I don't like Tom DeLay, I find these charges being brought against him pretty damn silly. Is he guilty of anything that most other House Reps who've been in a power awhile aren't? Ugh. I think DeLay is a thug and I'd gladly pick a verbal fight with him in a bar, but something about the accusations are so pathetic and embarassing. I think these Bennett charges are in the same category - I don't even know who the guy is and I already want to stand up for him.

Powerline has a theory on what's going on. It's a good thing it's testable - we'll see if the Dems filibuster the next Supreme Court candidate.

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