Thursday, July 07, 2005


What are the terrorists counting on? Are they counting on us overreacting and rallying more to their cause? Are they counting on being scared and leaving them alone? Do they just want to freak us out?

I'm pretty sure, and I remember thinking this after 9/11, that they don't really have any true political goals. They pretend to have goals, US out of Arabia, Israel, blah, blah, blah...but those are sort of like Anton Scalia's supreme court opinions - they pretend to have all this legal mumbo jumbo to support his strict ideologically conservative political positions.

The violence is expressionistic - like that of a serial killer, violence for violence sake. John Demme said while doing Silence of the Lambs and studying serial killers that in the US we were breeding serial killers - our social systems, etc...It sounds like a bunch of liberal hyperbole to me now, but perhaps he has a point. I mean, a lot of those crazies come from Ohio.

And I think, seriously, that the people that do these acts are akin to serial killers, enjoying the blood bath, the attention, the idea that they are freaking people out. They couch it in religion, but get an orgasmic feeling in the act of killing. The Arab world, moreso than Ohio, is breeding serial killers en masse.

I don't know how to stop it other than to kill them first.

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