Thursday, July 07, 2005


What is there to say? In our world we have to come to expect this type of thing. Welcome to the 21st century.

London's mayor is playing an interesting part in this. The buzz of the blogosphere is that his speech is one of the best anti-terror speeches EVER. But he is also known as an apologist for radical Islam and basically being a commie bastard. One link that breaks it down and gives part of the speech, which is quite moving.

One note on the news...I first heard of the attacks on NPR this morning and I was quite confused about what had happened. I get to SPO and the TV is on, again, I knew there was an attack, but didn't get a sense of the size or exactly what had been attacked. Then I turn to the blogosphere and within in a few minutes I've read theories about who, why, exactly what happened and so forth...then the TV news started giving some decent specific coverage about the location and type of attacks.

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