Sunday, June 20, 2004

I Don't Understand...

the obession with the image of the Abu G prisoner. Look what's happening in San Francisco.

I've never understood why the anti-Bush, anti-war crowd thinks that people who are pro-war or pro-Bush are people who don't think. They think they are raising questions by sticking this imagine in our face...but I think most aware people know about the Abu G atrocities already.

What I don't understand is the obsession by the left with pointing out American hypocracy. Everyone knows America has a cloudy past of slavery, genocide of Native Americans, the Japanese internment camps, neglect of the Holocaust, Vietnam, blah, blah, fucking blah.

But what does pointing to America's contradictions say? What does it mean for our policies? Does it mean we don't have legitimacy? Does it mean we cannot act in our own self interest? And why is the left obsessed with American and/or Israeli hypocracy, but not French hypocracy, Russia hypocracy, or Arab hypocracy?

It can't be as simple as self-loathing. Can it?

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