Tuesday, July 10, 2012


TV:  The rest of the Newsroom pilot

Bastard.  The second half of this ridiculous pilot is strangely watchable.  Sorkin...what a slutty romantic bastard...with his soft gloss (not in Newsroom, whose look is actually grainy) but content-wise this guy is borderline Capra cheese.  The second half of this show is the American President.  He mocks "second year undergraduate poli-sci majors," but that's who Sorkin is at heart, just one of those guys in US Congress class who talks a lot and loved Paul Wellstone.

It's weird watching a news show about actual news that happened two years because well, the urgency feels, I dunno, two years ago?  I fail to see how this can explore any territory that hasn't already been covered by Network, Broadcast News, or the Insider.  Then again, he's doing his best to rip off all three.  (Network's meltdown, Broadcast News relationship, the Insider corporate paranoia)

1 comment:

Charles said...

Newsroom - shot by the same guy who shot Friday Night Lights...AMERICA!!!