Sunday, July 08, 2012


TV:  The first five minutes of Newsroom

Maybe I'll watch this show.  I need to justify the 10-15 bucks I spend each month on HBO.  Sorkin is talking about an issue that concerns me: American malaise.  He is wrong and stupid and bullying of course about the whole thing, but maybe he'll slip in some insights here and there.  Even a broken clock, right?

In the Daniels opening lecture he says "people hate liberals because they lose."  Ugh?  Really?  I guess he forgot we have one of the most liberal presidents in modern American history.  No...the issue with liberals is not that they lose, it is that they are lazy and don't have any answers for the problems facing our nation.  They bring out tired old cliches born out of the 1960s to solve our present problems.  They misread the role of government in American society.  They don't like to address the big questions and instead focus on the smaller ones.  They are cynical.  

And they keep self insulating themselves from the realities facing Americans today.  They misdiagnose their own problem.  Sorkin thinks liberals are right and are just too big of wusses to force their arguments down everyone's throats.  That isn't the issue.  Good ideas are good ideas.  If the ideas don't speak to people's experiences, people won't swallow them.  Liberals can support unions all we want, but if the jobs are dying and disappearing, what good will the unions be at all?

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