Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yeah, But What Do the Parents Think?

A new spin on living with your parents at 30 -- it's awesome!

The article is more evidence that the under 30 crowd is the most narcissistic group of spoiled entitled kids ever to grace the planet.  They don't seem to even consider that perhaps mom and dad don't want to be footing the bill for their kids forever or that perhaps they would like to have their own space or to you know, see their kids grow up into real, self sufficient adults.  Jesus.  All you need to do is read the internet, watch HBO's Girls, or listen to 20-somethings talk these days and it's enough to make one want to vomit.

Of course, it isn't all their fault.  The colleges ripped them off, their boomer parents spoiled them, and the economy stinks.  But still.  They suck.

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