Monday, May 14, 2012

Cuban on Student Loans

Mark Cuban weighs in on the crushing load of student loan debt and how it impacts the economy.

The whole situation is outrageous.  And why is this an issue seemingly only addressed by libertarians and the more generally pragmatic, non-idealogical folks out there?  This should be on the forefront of the liberal agenda.  Think about it.  College costs.  A liberal should believe in equality of opportunity and for the poor to have ways to improve their lot in society.  Education is the number one way to achieve that.  And yet, college is so outrageously expensive, no poor person could honestly work their way through college these days without taking loans.  (and imagine how much more 40G in debt looks like to a poor person than to a wealthy person).

But liberals are so closely tied to the Universities, they are reluctant to talk about the issue.  They cling to this idea that poor folks have grant opportunities and so forth -- but what a horrible way to think about the problem.  As if the gods of financial aid and grant organizations ought to determine who goes to school and who doesn't.  And since when did paying for college become like buying a used car and subject to negotiations and different price schedules, etc.

Really disgusting when it boils down to it.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Good post.