Saturday, April 07, 2007

Coming Out of the Closet

Ehhhh....I think I might be in love with Tina Fey. Why? See the latest 30 Rock.

Lovable bits:

1. Eating hot dogs.
2. Secretly voting for John McCain.
3. Will Arnett.
4. Recognizing Tootsie as a well crafted movie.
5. Hot dog stand guy's line in the cold open.

And so much more...

UPDATE: More details

a. "What's the special occasion?" "I felt like a hot dog."
b. "You guys...are the real heroes."
c. Note - really well crafted scene - the Tracy Jordan scene when he gets served.
d. "Science is....whatever we want it to be."
e. The short robe.
f. "I'm gay and I want your job." "I'm straighter than you are gay and I leave guys like you in my dust."
g. Little historical detail regarding the Civil War - there were many blacks who fought for the South in the Civil War because they too objected to Northerners coming down and telling them how to live. History is always more interesting than we could even imagine it. And Tina Fey knows it. :).
h. Her legs falling asleep.

Dammit man, what's wrong with you?


Nathan said...

No kidding. That was a great episode. Hottest woman in TV or movies.

robyn said...

I watched that yesterday and thought, "This episode will put Greg over the in-love-with-Tina-Fey edge."

Greg said...

am i that obvious?

robyn said...

There's nothing wrong with recreational crushes on fictional characters. Um, just ask Professor Snape.

Shauna said...

Check out the Will Arnett Research Project for more on the man in the shorty-short robe.