Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I've written about it before, but it's hard not to feel pretty damn good about this country if you take the 15-30 minutes out of your date to vote.

There's something I really like about walking down the street to the Middle School, seeing a bunch of people from my neighborhood, just matter of factly grabbing their ballots and going into booths and ink dotting the cards. It's something so simple and elegant and something we've all grown up with, I think it's easy not to appreciate the beauty of it. Voting is a symbolic gesture - the symbol of a decent society. It demonstrates a respect for others point of view, and being humble about your own.

In the scheme of things, the results aren't what matters. It's the process.

Voting, like chicken soup, is good for the soul.

PS - on a side note, there is a really interesting essay to be written about the mental process of a voter looking at all the crap on the ballot and what people think when they are voting. I'm guessing, not much...

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