Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Leave It To Hitchens

To take Borat to town.

Did I not write about Borat? I can't believe it. I was working on a blog entry while watching the movie, and don't think I ever got to it.

First, we'll start with the compliments, because that's how were taught to talk about movies in film school. The Gypsy scene was the best in the movie. It was my only belly laugh. My other favorite part were confronting the feminists and the dinner table shit scene...

...but what I longed for in this movie more than anything else was for Borat to take on bigger, tougher targets. It's too damn easy to show stupid frat guys and dumbass homophobic rodeo hicks. We could stick a camera at those fools sans Borat and they'd eventually make idiots of themselves. Big deal.

The great Sacha Cohen work was done when Ali G spoke to Sam Donaldson, Pat "my main man" Buchanan, and Boutros Boutros Gali.

Don't get me wrong. The wine tasting with Borat in Season 2 is perhaps the greatest bit of physical humor put on tape in my lifetime...ut I felt like he didn't expand upon the TV show in the movie. Yes, it's become a cultural phenonmenon, and a more deserved character/comedian I do not know...but this was no South Park, as a movie, and it sure as hell didn't make me think anything different about American society other than, "Man, these folks are rather patient."

Big up yourself.

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