Thursday, June 04, 2020

"Peaceful" Protests

On my street, businesses are boarded up with "Black Lives Matter" signs in the windows and "Minority Owned" like lambs blood on passover.

Our babysitter drives an used, painted over police car. Don't ask me why. She's young and been getting flicked off all day by people. 

Maybe I can get on board with some of the stuff with protests - maybe I can even understand the rage - but don't bullshit me and say they're peaceful.

And as a side note, with respect the Black Lives Matter, etc. I notice the tenor of all conversations comes across as basically: shut the fuck up unless you 150% are with us. Just know, you are turning people off. They won't tell you. In fact, they'll agree with you. They'll post their stupid slogans on twitter, and black out social media, and pay you all the lip service in the world, even donate to your cause. But they'll hate you deep down and quietly move to the other room. BLM ain't winning hearts and minds unless they go in the Killer Mike direction. Channel the rage into patient, Count of Monte Cristo like action.

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