Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Conflation Btwn Floyd and Kaepernick

The point of politics is to build coalitions to advance mutual interests. The problem with BLM and Colin Kaepernick: they don't build consensus, instead they conduct purity tests. They don't allow for disagreement, they state a position and make demands. Either you accept their demands or you are branded an enemy. If their goal was to reduce police brutality in actual practice, they could easily build a coalition to advance several causes:

1) Hold police who use excessive force accountable.
2) Encourage more minority hiring within police departments.
3) Get rid of lousy, sloppy DAs and police chiefs

Etc that could achieve widespread support and impact lives on the ground.

But no.

Instead, they protest the flag knowing full well it won't play. Instead you have LBJ calling out Drew Brees. Go after Trump, fine. But Drew Brees? Come on, man.

Maybe their point is that the problem is too big to be fixed. Well, then let's just take our balls home then, nothing left to say.

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