Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Film: Shawshank Redemption

Cheese dick or greatest movie of all time?

Film: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

Inspiring, vivid, an incredible achievement. Why don't they make 'em like this anymore?

Film: Moana

Depressing, cheesy, derivative, full of cliches. For the proponents of diversity in storytelling, I'm often surprised by how much such films embrace underlying Western story norms.

Film: Da 5 Bloods

Weird to say, but the direction is clearly the weakness here. I turned it off.

Book: Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

Great and still not as strong as the film.

Book: How America Lost Its Mind by Thomas Patterson

Ahead of its time. Good so far.

Book: Real Demonic Possessions and Exorcisms

Of questionable quality, but perhaps this is why its worth reading.

Book: Screenwriting is Rewriting by Jack Epps

I recommend very few screenwriting manuals, but make an exception for this one.

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