Saturday, March 14, 2020

Things That Appear More and Less Valuable During Corona Virus Outbreak


1) Advances in internet technology, ie video conferencing, streaming, etc.

2) Netflix and Amazon prime.

3) Information flow and sharing, ie wash your hands, social distance, etc.

4) Disaster prep

5) Cars (vs. public transportation)

6) Drive through and take out food options

7) Families, friends, and local support networks

8) Grocery stores, Costco, Target, etc.

9) Disposable stuff vs. reuseable stuff

10) Daycares and schools to our social fabric


1) Our heathcare system, ie we are taking drastic measures in order to prevent it from being overwhelmed and there is a shortage of masks, etc, even at hospitals.

2) Ability of Feds and locals to cut through red tape to get simple things done quickly, ie tests, drugs...

3) Insurance. I have a project set to go into production and nothing can get insured at the moment. If there were a lot of deaths from a thing like a virus, would life insurance companies just go belly up and not pay claims?

4) Hourly jobs, but also contract jobs like most in the entertainment industry. A film pauses, no one gets paid, even those making huge salaries. I suppose "regular" jobs won't see this effect until/unless there were layoffs.

5) The public to manage their anxiety. The lines at grocery stores and over preparation strikes me as a way to feel like you're doing something to prepare not for any real reason other than "others" are doing it.



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