Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Way to Get This Under Control

I can picture some combination of the following working within the next month:

1) Segregating best we can the most vulnerable to the disease, ie folks in nursing homes, autoimmune disorders, cancers, etc.

2) Testing various anti-virals and see which ones work best at stopping the disease if caught early.

3) Normalizing mask wearing in enclosed public spaces for a time period.

4) Warmer weather killing off the virus

5) Collective better hygiene supported by government and private business (I suspect no one will object). *

6) Better sick pay and stricter stay-at-home-when-sick policies at workplaces.

7) Widespread testing to catch any subsequent outbreaks quickly.

8) Better plans in place to increase hospital capacity should it be needed for now and future pandemics.

9) Train more hospital staff including doctors and nurses who already seem to me generally overworked.

10) Encourage fewer meetings in workplaces and instead using more zoom, conference calls, etc. For the record, SOME meetings are very important, but often these things can be done remotely. It might be better on multiple levels to encourage this -- 1) lower outbreaks 2) less traffic 3) less pollution 4) more efficient

*Shit - I'd be down for increasing the status and pay of janitors, etc, and possibly even doubling the number we currently have. I'd also be in favor of doubling the number of public toilets and people making sure they are clean all the time. Wouldn't this be nice? Think Japan. Such a project would be such a better use of resources than switching all bathrooms to gender neutral, which is nothing more than a giant, stupid exercise in vanity. It might even help with public heath more generally.

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