Friday, January 24, 2020

What Our Elites Believe

I'm no fan of populism on a gut, DNA level. I don't trust the average joe or the average crowd to get "it" right, whatever "it" is. But I should also add, I don't really trust the powerful (ie the elites) much either. Because here's what our elites don't believe in:

1) Free Speech. They aren't willing to fight for it. On any front. The only test of whether you believe in free speech is whether you're willing to a) fight for speech which you vehemently disagree or b) willing to face financial and personal repercussions for exercising that speech. University campuses, the media, and even some governments (Canada and the UK) are already conceding A. And in fact, they are on the opposite side of the free speech debate - they are active in silencing unwoke speech, whereas they ought to be fighting FOR it. But level B is equally disconcerting to me. Journalists, NBA players, politicians, etc aren't willing to face the music of the mob because they love their jobs and paychecks more than their freedom. And PS - this is why we have Trump because only an arrogant, narcissistic fame whore is willing to stand up to the woke mobsters and the Chinese government. I don't think our elites have a right to complain about Trump unless they are willing to acknowledge their own cowardice in the face of those who oppose fundamental American and liberal principles.

2) They don't really believe global warming is a catastrophe. If anyone actually believed this was an existential crisis, they take the layup solution: nuclear power. What they prefer instead is the power to tell their fellow citizens how to behave.

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