Friday, January 03, 2020

The Whole Nazi Thing

For anyone all who wonders what "they would've done" had they been alive when the Fascists rose to power in the 1930s -- they can know -- but simply looking at how they behave in the face of the CCP.

For most people the answer is: ignore, buy cheap products made by them, and tacitly approve because it does not impact their every day lives. In worse cases, they take the bribe money (the NBA). So there you have your answer folks -- you would've stood right by -- and done nada.

The UN just concluded at a Tribunal the CCP tortured and harvested the organs of an unknown number of Falun Gong practitioners (there were 70 million at one point) and continue the same practices with the Uygher population today.

You will read very little on twitter about it. Kaepernick will not take a knee about it. And meanwhile, Americans will invest in emerging market stock funds -- thus lining the pockets of the CCP.

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