Friday, January 31, 2020


Film: Wonder Woman (1st half of the movie)

Fairly typical super hero origin story so far. I rather like the WW1 setting. Gal Gadot has charm, but very little skill as an actress. Script is exactly what you'd expect. What most surprised me was the lack of any directorial POV. Patty Jenkins basically imitated Zack Snyder's DC universe slow motion action technique he invented with 300 and Watchmen. From afar, it seems her contribution is 1) to put a female name on the poster 2) approve of a few snarky "feminist" lines to get cheap laughs from angry women.

Am I missing something?

My favorite parts so far are Gal Gadot being child like and totally out of place in the world.

Why is it not commonly discussed that all the screenwriters were men?

TV: The Outsider S1E4 and Curb S10e2

Outsider is losing my interest...supernatural puzzles tend to bore me...

Larry David still on fire. The videotaping of hook up attempt on the date is one of most genius comedy bits of our era. How SNL didn't think of this tell you everything you need to know about its decline.

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