Friday, February 08, 2013

Strange Case

Dorner, the ex-cop on a killing rampage, seems very strange indeed.

Although we are all familiar with the story about the serial killer neighbor "seeming normal" while he was keeping heads in the fridge, this case is a little more odd.  The Dorner guy does literally seem like a normal guy in the descriptions of him.  I suppose we could find out later he did some weird stuff in his past, but even the incident he was fired over seemed relatively small potatoes and no indicator of going batshit insane.  And unlike many spree shooters, whose prior actions scream out "ticking time bomb," this guy does not.

His manifesto, if you take out the references to murder, sounds like a typical centrist internet manifesto of political and artistic views.  Not really bizarre or outside the mainstream.  Maybe he is the first centrist madman.

On Forbes, there was an appropriate quotation for this story:
“ Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important...they do not mean to do harm...they are absorbed in their endless struggle to think well of themselves. ” — T.S. Eliot

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