Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Taleb - Just in the 2nd Half of the Video

"Academics and governments like to add things, as practitioners, we like to subtract."

"Capitalism is not about incentives, it is about disincentives."

"The restaurant business as a whole is strong because every individual restaurant is fragile."

"Small states and city states love commerce and large governments love war.  It's what justifies a large government."

"Errors need to be multiplied."

"I like writing and the minute I'm bored with it, I stop."

Re: his book "Critics will hate it because they skim books, people who read, will not hate it."

"Someone in a limo does not take lectures on finance from someone who just took the subway.  That is to say, as a writer, you can take lessons from the Harry Potter lady or Seneca who lasted 2000 years, but not some academic at Cambridge."

"I won't tell you what you should buy, I tell you what is in my portfolio."

"Never trust ideas you don't have walking."  That is from Nietzsche.

"The only thing the elders respected was courage."

"My idea for living is taking risks for causes."

I'm a huge fan of this guy.

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