Thursday, November 08, 2012


Film:  Seven Psychopaths

There are some memorable parts, and I think it would be fun to talk about this movie.  That said, as a whole, I don't think it holds up.  I was falling asleep towards the end of the film, which of course, is not a good sign.

It made me think a bit about storytelling, because it is a big theme of the movie itself.  I imagine a film like this receives more critical interest and is considered more artistically ambitious than a middle of the road studio film.  But I actually think it is harder to write a cohesive film than taking this meta-movie approach, which felt uninspired.  The movie is saved by fun actors inhabiting the roles and in that respect is indebted to McDonough's artistic reputation.  But hey, refs used to give Michael Jordan the benefit of the doubt.

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