Monday, February 27, 2012

This Is Why We Have Manners

The internet is a constant reminder of why manners exist. If they didn't, people throughout time would simply be shouting out their inane opinions and life would be like one big comment board or Gawker article about the Oscars. Hat tip, Stephanie.

But like so much in the show, her was was so obvious. It's all so safe. It's all so, well, old. It's like those girls in costumes handing out olde tyme snacks down the aisle during the commercial breaks. It's like trotting out Billy Crystal for another go round. It's like giving all the trophies to Harvey Weinstein and Martin Scorsese and all the other old white guys. It just reminds us that it's the same sad song and dance every year. This year the dance was a lot slower and more boring, but it will be back again next year, when we set up all the same pieces and start to waltz again. We wouldn't know what to do otherwise. And while this year's dance partners will be as quickly forgotten as a mediocre meal, we have to do it again. It's what's expected, it's what we love, it's an annual tradition. Yet again we'll wish the tempo was a little bit more brisk, even though it never is, but even that is a sad comfort from our boring lives.

There was a time in film school where I started to dislike the Oscars for "being so safe." Now, I think: why should we expect the Oscars to be rebellious or something other than what it is? Seriously. This is a massive, popular event. This isn't an underground rock show. Trying to make the Oscars "younger" and "hipper" will never work, nor would it be desirable. Is there not enough outlets and music and writing and movies for the "young and hip?" Are there really too many "traditions" in our culture at this moment? I think not. Maybe we should have more things that "bore" the people who spend their time commenting on blogs, even it they do somehow manage to make Martin Scorcese look like an old blubbering fart. After all, don't the rebels need something to rebel against?

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