Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Obama Disappearing Act

Interesting liberal take on Obama's overall disengagement with issues.

This goes back to a reading of Obama by Virginia Postrel and Thomas Sowell during the campaign - of being a glamourous vs. charismatic figure. Charismatic figures are able to convince people of their own POV. Glamourous figures are those enigmatic enough for others to project their own desires upon. Movie stars are glamourous. Winston Churchill is charismatic. (so is Osama Bin Laden - charisma is always used for good). The problem (or maybe it isn't one) with Obama, is that whether he has any core principles or not, he doesn't seem willing or able to convince others to fight for them. His strategy seems to be to gauge what is popular/feasible to do in the moment and either help nudge that along or undermine it depending on the particular issue aligns with his stated policy beliefs or the beliefs of his advisors. Liberals are catching on.

And what could be more obvious than the decision to try KSM in a military court. Liberals are freaking out about this, and I'm no lawyer, but still don't see what the big deal with trying Al Queda in military courts is. We are at war with them.

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