Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Boy

An NPR executive was coaching the Muslim Brotherhood how to make an anonymous donation.

One thing we need to get straight people: The Muslim Brotherhood are bad guys. All this verbiage regarding war on terror, etc, has confused the issue with Al Queda, etc. Political Islam is a problem in the same way Communism was a problem. There are degrees to Political Islam - Al Queda is not the same as the Muslim Brotherhood tactically. The Brotherhood does not overtly support terrorism against the United States for instance. They have not declared war on us. But let's not mince words - Political Islam is an imperialist ideology and incompatible with minority points of view, pluralism, women and gay rights (and all individual rights, for that matter), a free press, basically most of the rights and privileges all Americans and Westerners hold dear. Any group or person who believes in putting all other values as subservient to Islam is problematic and incompatible with Western Values. I'm not saying we declare war on these people, just pointing out the obvious - they are the enemy.

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