Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Not To Belabor The Point

But the article below reminds me of a cruel truth...women want to be with men who are more successful and have higher status than them. Some will deny it and certainly there are exceptions, but let's be honest here - on the whole, it is what women want. And I'm not talking about gold digging swine - many perfectly good, healthy, put together women feel this way - and perhaps more importantly - act this way.

So do the math. If women seek equality in the work place and equal opportunity, they will, by definition, be limiting their own dating/marriage pool.

And men? Well, men are in a bind either way. If we seek status over women, we are misogynist pigs. If we don't, we are wusses.

This matters - because strangely enough - the propagation of the human species is dependent on men and women getting along. Or at least, getting it on.

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