Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Lawrence H. Summers, who heads the Obama administration’s National Economic Council, will leave that post to return to Harvard University at the end of the year, the White House announced Tuesday.

Former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers will resign from his high-level position in the Obama administration after the midterm elections,

The 55-year old Summers, who also served as President Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary, is currently director of the National Economic Council.

Obama officials are “eager” to name a woman as his replacement, the report said. Christina Romer resigned last month as chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers.

It isn't lame that Summers is going. Who can argue the Obama economic team has gotten it right so far? The best that can be said, again, is "we avoided total catastrophe." Sort of like the 1-15 Rams celebrating not being the 0-16 Lions. Why do I have no confidence in the Obama administration? Because instead of focusing on what matters, ie finding a fucking genius to help restore confidence and credibility to the economy, they are "eager to hire a women." I'd be delighted for a woman to hold the position because she'd be great at the job, but clearly the Obama administration is searching for gender first and qualifications second. The reason for this is because they view race/gender/etc as ESSENTIAL to a person's character rather than how I view it, as INCIDENTAL to one's character. But hey, they are peddling the affirmative action industry whose raisan d'etat is to try and make the halls of power look like Benetton Advertisements.

I just wish folks who saw the world this way would stick to the fashion industry rather than you know - running the world economy and sending troops off to war.

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