Friday, June 11, 2010

And Why Not?

Online dating assistant. Why not pay someone to weed through all the crap out there and set you up on dates. It makes perfect logical sense. Someday soon, maybe we can all just be handed the perfect person on a perfect platter and we won't have to do a lick of deciding or wooing. Let computers decide for us.

Why do I think online dating is retarded? Because I don't know if I like someone by their goddamn resume or their pictures from last Halloween or how clever they write emails or use emoticons. I don't even know if I like some stranger I sit down with for a few minutes because we like the same bands or same movies or same books or have the same stupid political opinions. I'd fall for the good auditioners with no substance, the ones who practice in the mirror, the ones good at pitching. I'd pass on the great ones too normal to practice. I know this. I don't know anything about someone after one or two dates. I decide whether I like someone by the way I see them interact in the world and how the world reacts to them. I am attracted to people not because they like the same shit as me, but by their charisma, their rhythm. It takes time. People grow on you. Others wane. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?

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