Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Watched Pirates of the Carribean again last night. Johnny Depp is incredibly good in this movie. I didn't love this movie the first time I watched it. I still think it is overlong, has a lot of lame parts, and is only decently plotted.

BUT, the character of Jack Sparrow is a fantastic example of a writer-actor collaboration. This is an incredibly well conceived, fun, original character and then Johnny Depp nails it. From the point he's trapped on the desert island until the end, Depp single handedly carries this movie not unlike Dwayne Wade in last year's playoffs.

He was nominated for an Oscar for the part, so I'm not offering anything new here, but it's one of the few movies I will re-watch for a single performance. Can anyone think of another?

ps - last moment of the movie - incredible.

1 comment:

robyn said...

The last moment of the movie IS incredible. I saw it three times in the theatre. His performance is like crack and that last moment perfectly encapsulates everything that is seductive about a certain kind of good movie--that when you are watching it you want to also live in the movie in some way and for the few hours after you finish watching it, it seems surprising that the world is not like the movie. Delicatessan is like this, and In The Mood For Love. Splendid. I love that feeling. Deep down, all we want is something to yearn for.