Saturday, May 05, 2007

If I Change My Position on Iraq

It will be based on the logic Sullivan outlines in this post.

Simply put, it won't be worth the risk/cost. Maybe the fact is, Iraqi (and more broadly, Arab) society simply isn't capable of functioning as a democracy or in a remotely fair and decent way. Say we were asked to invest 20 more years, fifty thousand lives and trillions of dollars and we had a 25% shot at success, I'd say No Way, let's get the f--- out and leave those douche bags to themselves and just whack them on the head if we think they get WMDs or if they work with terrorists.

And with respect to the WOT, the same thing, if it can be demonstrated that really this whole terrorism thing is a bunch of wealthy losers funding a small group of madman to create the perception of chaos...well, we've got to try to stop them, but not give them more credit than they know?

I just honestly don't know how a culture can be so good at creating chaos, pity, and civilian death and not be good at anything else.

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