Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Why I'm Mostly Out On Liberal Causes...

Lack of context or priorities. I can't keep up with all the things I'm supposed to be hysterically upset by. Can someone please tell me how I should order my anger on the following subjects:

1. Roe v Wade

2. Climate Change

3. White Supremacy 

4. Systemic Racism

5. Animal Rights

6. Income Inequality

7. Trans Rights

8. Gay Rights

9. Student Loan Debt

10. Ukraine-Russia War

11. Islamophobia

12. US Foreign Policy Generally

13. Underfunded Public Schools

14. Women's Rights

15. Tax Breaks For the Rich

16. Criminal Justice Reform

17. Vaccines

18. Disinformation

19. Republicans

20. Fascists

21. Capitalism

22. Parents

23. Corporations

24. Dave Chapelle

25. Elon Musk

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more.

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