Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Gun Sellers

At the risk of doing what I hate most - make a tragedy into a political argument - would it be so out of the question to make gun sellers somehow partially responsible for mass shootings? I mean, a lonely, weird kid turns 18 in this day and age shouldn't be owning an assault rifle. I'm sorry, on this one I agree gun control advocates. At the very least, we should make the age 21. 

And for the people who might say...gun seller can't be responsible for what people do with them...really? You're selling heavy duty weaponry to civilians...if you don't want to be responsible for what happens maybe be in the business of selling clothing or something else...

And just other food for thought:

-can school districts do a little better job of keeping tabs on the psycho kids?

-can schools make it harder for these psychos to enter? can they have more eyes out on entry points and buy some time to anticipate these situations?

-can there be a psycho alert system where kids who are worried about psychos in their communities can report them and can there be a coordination with gun sellers, police, school admin, caretakers, etc?

-is it worth considering that toy stores like target, etc, don't sell machine guns and gatling gun type of weapons to kids? i mean, we had water guns, etc when i was little, now they have these weapons from Commando for kids. pretty soon they'll have a NERF nuclear bomb

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