Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Why I'm Still Pessimistic on a Vaccine

CNN misreports on why vaccines won't be ready sooner.  Complacency and corporate sheep educated in America and in positions of "power" everywhere in our society.

Also, vaccines aren't that easy. So combine a tough problem with cultural complacency and yes, I'm pessimistic. Not because the science can't be figured out. Not because we don't have the resources, but because we are infected by institutional and cultural rot.

If you really want to understand the best side of Trump -- it's that he's got some good old fashioned American chutzpah and wants to cut through the red tape of this kind of nonsense. The problem - as in a lot of folks with similar chutzpah - is that he cuts corners and underweights the downside risks.

Maybe this is how the system is supposed to work?

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