Monday, September 14, 2020

Science Settled

For those like Gavin Newsom who enjoy telling everyone the science is settled on global warming and the pandemic - can he please weigh in on whether Pluto is a planet or not. Because my four year old wants to know and there is conflicting "scientific consensus."

And ask yourselves this - what would have better prevented the damage from these CA fires:

1) Banning plastic bags at grocery stores 

2) Installing more solar panels

3) Driving more electric vehicles

4) Controlled burns

Seems to me Newsom wants to tackle a problem way beyond his control or jurisdiction (climate change) that may or may not effect the fires and wants to neglect the one within in his control and jurisdiction - forest management.

All about pushing the blame onto others, as a good responsible Governor of the 6-7th largest economy on the planet ought to do.

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