Sunday, October 30, 2016


Kap is one really strange dude.

He hands out t-shirts to kids with the following:

1. You have the right to be free.
2. You have the right to be healthy.
3. You have the right to be brilliant.
4. You have the right to be safe.
5. You have the right be loved.
6. You have the right to be courageous.
7. You have the right to be alive.
8. You have the right to be trusted.
9. You have the right to be educated.
10. You have the right to know your rights.

Whatever his good intentions may be, this betrays an utter foolishness and misunderstanding of the world and of the meaning of "right." How can one have the "right" to be healthy? Does this mean Kap plans to sue the flu virus every time it strikes? Good luck with that. See if the Supreme Court will take that case. You have the "right" to be loved. Really? So, can someone force someone else to love someone, now? How's that gonna work? You have the "right" to be trusted? I'd like to see Bernie Madoff use that argument when his victims ask for their money back. This guy is utterly clueless.

One can be blessed with love and good health. One can earn trust. One can become brilliant through hard work and luck. One can be educated. But none of these - other than freedom - is a right someone, anyone is born with.

It's obvious he's never read anything about political philosophy and to listen to such an ignoramous is a deeply dumb idea.

And perhaps the weirdest element of all is Kap giving kids DNA tests. If a public school did such a thing, there would be an uproar about invading their privacy. I just think the entire thing is very strange.

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