Sunday, August 24, 2014

Idea Weekend

Not sure these would completely work in practice:

1. During recession, in order to stimulate the economy, why not spend a lot of government tax money (say, the millionaire tax dough) on improving America's public toilets? Perhaps even create a mandatory restaurant-toilet improvement program where restaurants can receive government money to improve the restrooms. This would get tied into local health inspection processes. They would need to hire some additional toilet inspectors, the construction of new toilets would employ a bunch of people, and hopefully, it would improve the restaurant experience, thus stimulating more people eating out. At the very least, the public toilets would be nicer and who doesn't think that's a worthwhile investment? Use Japan's nice public toilets as an example.

2. Freezing hair on guys who fear they might go bald one day. I don't know if this would work, but could scientists figure out how to freeze hair on people in anticipation of going bald one day? I suppose that hair would get kinda gross after a couple years. Maybe this is not a great idea.

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