Monday, August 05, 2013


Film:  Elysium

I really didn't like District 9, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about the terribleness that was Elysium.  The acting/writing basic craftsmanship was about the level of a telenovela.  A lot of injuries, drama infused by sound stingers, and completely on-the-nose, expositional dialog.  If you step back and think about the movie more broadly, basically nothing makes any sense whatsoever.  And it is also plagued with an adolescent, high school level understanding of political issues like immigration and healthcare.  The basic premise is that Elysium can cure all diseases and be home from everybody, but an evil Jodie Foster doing her best Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonation, shoots immigrants down because...well...I'm not sure why.  I wonder if this is what high schoolers around the world think of America?  Do they think America has perfect healthcare and everyone just sits around all day at cocktail parties and swimming in bikinis and we shoot immigrants down as they innocently come into our country just to make their children healthy?  I guess it wouldn't surprise me if these kids sit around all day reading comic books, playing video games, and getting their "education" from disgruntled Marxists.

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